We're Leveraging Video Games to Impact Youth

We’re engaging, empowering, and equipping youth with the life lessons and biblical values they need exceed in this race called life.

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A Message From Our Founder

After decades of attending and serving various church ministries, I could not help but feel as if there was more that could be done to reach people who didn’t fit into the popular ministry mold. But I didn’t know what to do about it. My wife encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone to create a new way of reaching people. VGM was created to do just that: reach those who love gaming and don’t fit into traditional ministry molds. In less than a year’s time, we already have 3 partner academies, over 10 partner churches and ministries and have reached tens of thousands of people across the world through our YouTube Ministry.

Our Vision

We envision a world where players come together as a positive force to impact the communities where we live and play.

Our Mission

Founded on Christian values of compassion, teamwork, and positivity, we provide a supportive gaming community where every individual is valued and empowered to thrive.

Our Core Values


Jesus is the center of everything that we do because he is the center of our lives.


It's not just important that you win, but how you win and the example you give in the process.


We challenge our players to live lives of character. Character is what you do when no one is watching.